
Witnessing violence. The perception of operators and children

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Daphne programme II 2004 – 2008

Witnessing violence
The perception of operators and children


The research provides a useful spin-off for a strategic vision that underlines the need for widening social responsibilities in order to cope with the problem of witnessing violence, trying to involve as many actors and competences as possible.


In fact the phenomenon of witnessing violence shows the characteristics of a social problem. Therefore it is a problem whose responsibilities cannot be delegated to a more o less wide group of experts. These experts have to be asked to assume an educational function for the new protagonists, until now strangers to the considered dynamics, trying to break off the isolation of the specialized approach and changing it into a new agreement that widens social responsibilities.


This attitude imposes a paradigmatic change in approach, that should not to be confused with a widening of the professional involved in the protection network. In fact, we cannot forget that well-being is realized inside the family which cannot be considered like the subject to be taken care of, but like one of the protagonists of this wide social action.


Introduction and Aims pag. 5
Methodology pag. 15
Socioeconomic Contests pag. 19
Minors witnessing violence in the perception of privileged witnesses pag. 29
Sample survey on Operators pag. 37
Sample survey on Children pag. 57
Conclusion Suggestions and perspectives pag. 117
Annexes pag. 123


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