Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Fondazione Lelio Basso-Sezione internazionale
Set up as a joint initiative by the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici of Naples, and the Fondazione Lelio Basso-Sezione Internazionale of Rome, the Neapolitan School of Studies on the Rights of Peoples is holding its thirteenth course from 22 to 27 September 2008 in Rome.
I. Course Programme
The September 2008 Course is on:
Title: The human species faces ecology: the energy issue and climate change.
After exploiting the planet’s resources for centuries, human societies have now reached a decisive moment in their existence: the effects of climate change caused by heightened concentrations of carbon dioxide make it essential to drastically re-think the use of fossil fuels. But the energy issue has long been at the roots of lethal geopolitics.
It is possible – and necessary to change production and consumption patterns and life-styles to avoid the prospect of a traumatic collapse of our societies. But, as all the leading scientific academies have been insistently demanding of the world ‘governance’ authorities, to do this requires a full realisation of issues by politicians, which is wholly inadequate at the present time. Hence the need to inform and educate public opinion, and particularly the decision-takers.
The Course will be given in English.
Participants are required to attend all lectures and seminars. They will receive a Course attendance certificate.
II. Course attendance conditions
Art. 1 – 20 participants; resident in the EU countries graduates in law, economics, physical sciences, international relations, sociology, anthropology, medicine may enroll for the Course.
Art. 2 – Applications must be mailed to: Fondazione Lelio Basso-Sezione Internazionale, Via della Dogana Vecchia 5, 00186 Rome, Italy. Telephone and Fax: 003906-6877774.
E-mail: –
Art. 3 – Applicants must indicate:
– their name, surname, place and date of birth, address, telephone, fax, e-mail;
– their academic qualification/ education degree(s) and courses they will be attending during the 2008-2009 Academic Year.
They must also provide:
– a short curriculum vitae indicating their professional and social experiences;
– a letter of introduction from a Professor.
Art. 4 – Applicants must have a good knowledge of the English language (spoken, written, reading).
Art. 5 – The required documents must arrive by mail no later than 10 July, 2008 at the address given in Art.2.
Art. 6 – Applicants will be notified of the results of the selection by 20 July, 2008.
Art. 7 – Each participant will receive a grant of Euro 1.000,00 to cover travel and accomodation expenses.
Participants are required to attend all the lectures and seminars. They will receive a Course attendance certificate.
22, Monday:
Giorgio Nebbia: Ecology as the culture of modernity – debate.
Gianni Mattioli: Introduction. The energy issue – debate.
23, Tuesday:
Massimo Scalia: Climate change – debate
François Rigaux: Safeguarding the planet as right of the world’s peoples – debate
24, Wednesday:
Nicola Capone: Naples, World Laboratory on Environmental Problems.
Gerardo Marotta: Need of a United European Action to sanitize the territory of the Mezzogiorno. Italy polluted by toxic waste coming from different places.
25, Thursday:
Gianni Mattioli: The nuclear issue – debate
Vincenzo Naso: Efficient energy-use and renewable energy sources – debate
26, Friday:
Giorgio Ruffolo: Ecology/Economy – debate
27, Saturday:
Andrea Masullo:
Guido Cosenza: Human societies as organisms in the light of the general laws of ecology – closing debate
Prof. Giorgio Nebbia: Faculty of Economics – Bari University.
Prof. Gianni Mattioli, Massimo Scalia : Faculty of M.F.N. Sciences – ”La Sapienza” University of Rome; co-Chairs of the Scientific Committee of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD).
Prof. François Rigaux: Faculty of Law – Catholic University of Louvain; Member of the Académie Royale de Belgique, Director of the Classe des Lettres et des Sciences morales et politiques.
Dr. Gerardo Marotta: President Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies, Naples.
Prof. Nicola Capone: Secretary General of the Assembly of the City of Naples and of the Mezzogiorno, Professor of Philosophy and author and editor of philosophical texts.
Prof. Vincenzo Naso: Faculty of Engineering – ”La Sapienza” University of Rome; President of CIRPS: Interdepartmental Centre of Research for Sustainability.
Prof.Giorgio Ruffolo: President of the European Research Centre and author of the book, ”Capitalism’s days are numbered” – Einaudi, 2008.
Prof. Andrea Masullo: University of Camerino and author of ”The challenge of the caterpillar” – Muzio editore, 2008.
Prof. Guido Cosenza: University of Naples and author of ”Transition” – Feltrinelli, 2008
Rome, June 2008
Gerardo Marotta
President, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici
François Rigaux
Joe Verhoeven
Director, Neapolitan School of Studies on the Rights of Peoples