[T4DATA] Brief interview with Marie Georges, Independent International Data Protection
What did you put in the project and what did you learn that was new to you?
I put all the lessons learnt from my 45 years experiences in DP legal and practice and my thoughts on the future DP needs. I learnt how it is crucial that DPAs are involved in trainings of DPOs, as DPOs daily tasks are basically the same as those of a DPA.
Who was the handbook made for? Do you think you will use it in the future?
The Handbook has been written for training DPOs in understanding how their job is a citizen job then in each of their complementary task. The handbook is enormously downloaded from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3428957. With up dated concrete examples I will use it for many years.
GDRP considers that every European resident has the right to have his/her personal data and all their other human rights protected. How about the rest of the world?
All individuals in the world should have the best protection, as those in EU. 139 jurisdictions adopted a Data protection law but many are still deficient. EU should highly involve DPAs in its GDPR promotion world wide as they are the only practitioners able to answer to questions and fears.